#issgutjetzt – Greenpeace campaign

The three little pigs against Edeka – Social media campaign for Greenpeace Germany

In 2017 Greenpeace launched a campaign against the supermarket Lidl to make aware of the low prices for meat. The call of Greenpeace: Only sell meat from animal friendly and environmentally friendly livestock! Introduce a product tag so that your customers can see at a glance how the animals were kept!
#issgutjetzt – The price policy at Edeka in the criticism
Now Sinnema has developed a social media campaign with the same message for Greenpeace Germany. This time it’s about Edeka. The result are five videos that reached up to 80,000 clicks on Facebook within a few days. In fairytale form we report about the three little pigs. Based on the corporate design of Edeka attention should be drawn to the abuses in animal husbandry and a better payment for the farmers are required.

“The Three Little Pigs” is a fairy tale we all know from childhood. In the original story two pigs fall victim to the bad wolf, but the third is smarter and takes the wolf by hard work and wisdom and thus escapes death. In this campaign, we turn reality into a fairy tale where heroes and good deeds are rewarded – if only we want it.


A total of five short clips lasting 20 to 30 seconds were created for posting on social media. The basis of each story is the fairy tale of the “Three Little Pigs”, which, depending on the context, deal with maladministration in animal husbandry.

The videos at a glance