Pay Your Workers

Human rights colliding with sports industries

Not only the fashion industry but also the sport fashion industry does take advantage of their textile worker throughout their subcontractors on a systemic level.  At events like the soccer world mastership this becomes extremely relevant. For the campaign  #PayYourWorkers by CIR Romero Sinnema produces a 2D animated video, to show and explain what exactly is going on.


Visualisation for the animation through sketches


We follow the famous soccer player Messi  getting to know live and work through the eyes of a female textile worker in Bangladesh, thus getting a new perspective on things.  In the end the character of Messi fights for the rights of the workers too.


Different designs und layouts for the 2D animations.

Booklet »Moral im Abseits«

The  booklet »Moral im Abseits« (Moral in an offside position) serves as additional information tool for the campaign. We contributed the cover design and two sides illustrations for each chapter.